We are thrilled to recognize M&T Bank (Hudson Ave.) as our newest Featured Business! Check out our Q&A with Commercial Branch Manager, Joe Wilson:
Business name: M&T Bank
How many years has M&T been in business? 165 years. Irondequoit since 1992.
What type of business/services do you offer? Banking and financial services.
How did M&T come about? What made them choose to open their banking business? To meet the need of the community regarding financial services.
Why choose Irondequoit for a business home? To give our customers another location to do their banking.
How many employees does your business employ? Are any local Irondequoit natives? The bank has 22,000 employees. The branch has 8 employees.
What do you want potential customers to know about your business? A community banking approach, this means decisions about loans and community activities are made locally by the people who live and work there too.
What community service has your business been involved in? What organizations do you support/donate to? 3,000 non-profit organizations across eight states. M&T has provided $33.9 million in grants to more than 3,000 nonprofit organizations. We offer several products and solutions to meet the needs of low and moderate income costumers,
M&T is located at 2133 Hudson Ave in Irondequoit. You can get all of their contact info here.